Students of the Month

Congratulations to our April and May
Students of the Month

Each month Impact teachers can nominate a student who is demonstrating the Wayne Habits of Success. Each student selected receives a swag bag. Below are the winners and what their nominating teacher had to say about them.

Lillian Alfred–11th Grade

Creating, Imagining, and Innovating: Here is what Benni Fraley had to say about Lillian. “Lily is one of the most resourceful students I’ve ever worked with. She is always trying to innovate and find new processes for creating. She foresees problems and immediately begins working on solutions. Within the span of a week, she created a version of fast drying clay to create dragon scales and built a large cheeseburger hat for our production of Footloose. She is never complacent. When she completes a task, she immediately asks for a new task. She has created so many great set pieces and props that have wowed audiences but she never gets recognition for her innovation because she is usually backstage and out of sight. I wanted to give her that recognition here so that other people can see her amazing creative mind like I do.” Lillian was also nominated by Jacob Nail and here is what Jacob said about Lillian. ” Lily has been a huge help all year in the tech crew for our theater productions, but has really gone above and beyond in the last month. She has taken on designing and building props for the upcoming musical theater class performance of ‘Footloose’ almost single handedly, and is doing an awesome job. She has also been designing (and prototyping) prop ideas for NEXT year’s theater productions, showing an amazing amount of creativity and problem solving.”

Tenayis Shannon–11th Grade

Photo of Tenayis Shannon-April Student of the MonthListening with Understanding and Empathy: Here is what Samantha Johnson said about Tenayis. “Tenayis Shannon is the only partner athlete we have on the Unified Track Team and he has done phenomenal with helping our student athletes. He has been very flexible with learning how to work with new students on the team as well as assisting them in any way possible. He has lots of patience and is doing a great job listening/paying attention to student needs during track and helping them! We are very proud of Tenayis and the leadership he displays every day on our track team.”

Liz Ponce–12th Grade

Photo of Liz Ponce-April Student of the MonthRemaining Open to Continuous Learning: Here is what Steve Spinks said about Liz. “Liz Ponce embodies everything a model student in high school should be! While enrolled in US History, she constantly showed steady growth and improvement, and maintained outstanding rapport with her classmates, as she continues to do in school every day. Liz would be the first one to help someone in need and is one of the most selfless students I’ve been around in my time as a teacher. Balancing her willingness to help others, she constantly looks for new ways to learn within both school and social situations. I’m extremely proud of Liz and can’t wait to see what her future holds!”

Jennyfer Romero-Acuna–11th Grade

Photo of Jennyfer Romero-May Student of the MonthTaking Responsible Risks: Here is what Karen Hendrix had to say about Jennyfer. ” Jenny explored health careers last year, but decided this year she preferred Accounting! She likes it and has maintained all A’s this year. She even wants to attempt Pre-Calculus and Trigonometry in AVE Summer School. She is taking Responsible Risks with her education, and is finding great success.”

Perry Smith–11th Grade

Photo of Perry Smith-May Student of the MonthThinking about your Thinking: Here is what Zachary Smith said about Perry. ” Perry is a part of my US History Class. During our class lesson on the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Perry unprompted created inferences and connected dots with the use of past knowledge activation.”

Aiden Boose–12th Grade

Persisting: Here is what Zachary Smith said about Aiden. “Aiden was out of school for over two weeks following a vehicle accident, leaving him with a concussion. Upon his return, Aiden jumped right into the learning at hand in our US Government class, interacting with classmates in meaningful ways that contributed to the lesson. Aiden also worked hard to get caught up on missing assignments rather than disregarding them or procrastinating. Despite having a legitimate medical concern, he doesn’t use it as an excuse and took accountability for his educational journey.”