
Art Department

Our Mission: A partnership of students, staff, families, the Indianapolis Arts Community, and the community at  large, is to ensure that all students acquire and apply knowledge, skills, processes, and values to become lifelong learners and artistically attuned citizens in a diverse society through a comprehensive and innovative arts education of outstanding quality.

Our Goals:

  • To prepare students to enter the world as open minded, intelligent individuals who can make, buy, view, and experience art as a vital part of their lives and their community.
  • To prepare future artists for college, art school, or technical school by providing a comprehensive program which includes the variety of skills, processes and content needed to make a smooth transition after high school.

Art Production:
The making of artistic objects.

Art History:
Exploring art from a variety of times and culture.

Art Criticism:
“Unfolding” art to discover meaning and making educated judgments about art.

Defining art and raising questions about beauty and meaning of art.