
Keyhole and Spotlight Awards


Youth Journalism International
Danielle Shumar Runner-up for student journalist of the year
Second place in book reviews for “Blake has hit with unlikeable characters”
Spotlight Staff Winner First Amendment Award
Joleth Herrera, Lynden Johnson, Danielle Shumar Yartezy Lopez, Anthony Ramirez, Mark Zackery, Jayden Atkins, Lucas Allison First place in Enterprise Team Reporting for “Music — The Gift that keeps on giving”
Joleth Herrera, Danielle Shumar, Yartezy Lopez, Maddie Sterret, Caitlin Merrill, Anthony Ramirez, Devin Wallace, Kelsi Edwards, Arianah Bacon Honorable mention in Enterprise Team Reporting for Video Games
Lucas Allison Second place in film review for “Scorsese’s latest worth the time”
Faith Oluwamutemi Honorable mention sports photography for “Final Game”
Jonas Walker Honorable mention for multi-media sports feature for “BD Neon Football Recap”
Joleth Herrera Honorable mention sports news for “Giants complete the goal”
Lynden Johnson Second place in illustrations for “Music — The gift that keeps on giving”
Lucas Allison, Joleth Herrera Second place in illustration by a team for “Video Games”
Indiana High School Press Association
Joleth Hererra First place in sports reporting
Lynden Johnson First place in illustration
Spotlight Staff Hoosier Star finalist Hoosier Star finalist
Brooklyn Sharp Second place in sports reporting
Second place in page design
Women’s Press Club of Indiana
Lucas Allison First place review writing “’Dune’ is more than a sci-fi novel”
Second place review writing “Scorsese’s latest is worth the time”
Honorable mention feature writing for “Drive-ins are good family fun”
Jayla Jackson First place sports photo “Two points”
Danielle Shumar Honorable mention feature writing for “Voice of our generation”
Zoe Harris Honorable mention editorial writing for “How is spirit at BD?”
Brooklynn Sharp Honorable mention sports writing for “The thrill of the dunk”
Lynden Johnson Second place graphic illustration “Music: The Gift that Keeps on Giving”
Alijah Ennis, Garrett Burke Third place radio talk show “Ben Davis football”
Taylor Mancil Honorable mention yearbook photo “Now It’s Possible”
Grace Holler, Kimberly Bustos-Hernandez First place yearbook layout “A Night to Remember”
Second place yearbook layout “Open Mic Makes a Comeback”
Honorable mention yearbook copy writing “Now It’s Possible”
Grace Holler, Mary Oswigo, Kimberly Bustos-Hernandez Second place yearbook copy writing “What a Day”
Columbia Scholastic Press Association
Raelynn Hughes, Zoe Harris First place for news brief writing “Giant Notes”
Tom Hayes Charles O’Malley Award for Excellence in Teaching
Ball State J-Day
Grace Holler and Kimberly Bustos Hernandez Excellent in yearbook design (A Night to Remember)
Honorable mention in yearbook design (Construction)
Lucas Allison and Joleth Herrera Excellent in photo illustration (Video Games)
Faith Oluwamuyemi Excellent in event photo (Cheering
Lucas Allison Superior in photo illustration (Artificial Intelligence)
Honorable mention in news story (Artificial Intelligence)
Stephanie Phillips Superior in personality portrait (Vanderbush)
Jennifer Balmez Excellent in nature photo (Colorado)
Ni’Zuary Johnson Honorable mention in creative writing (If only you knew)
Cicely Williams Honorable mention in creative writing (Resurrection)
Jalissa Janek Honorable mention in creative writing (Belonging)
Jeremiah McClure Excellent in creative writing (Shop)
Joleth Herrera Excellent in sports story (Giants make history)
Danille Shumar Honorable mention in new story (Are paper passes going away?)
Superior in news story (Media literacy)
Lynden Johnson Honorable mention in Illustration (Where do you get your news?)


Indiana High School Press Association
Spotlight Hoosier Star Finalist
Jordyn Jones First place in column writing
Lexi Bordenkecher Third place in feature writing
Jalen Flowers First place in sports page design
Zoe Harris and Raelynn Hughes Second place in use of social media
Lexi Bordenkecher Third place in sports writing
Zoe Harris and Raelynn Hughes Second place in overall website
Raelynn Hughes Diana Hadley Award
Ollie Christian Diana Hadley Award
Women’s Press Club of Indiana
Zoe Harris Second place for editorial writing “Technology can be a plus”
Honorable mention for editorial writing “Study halls can be helpful”
Jordyn Jones Third place for opinion writing “The Black Woman is the Angriest Person in America”
Mary Osiwoga and Jeffrey Dreyer Honorable mention sports writing “Growing up … on the Courts”
Danielle Shumar First place reviews “Johnson has another hit on her hands”
Emilia Miller Second place in illustrations “Conspiracies”
Brooklyn Sharp Honorable mention in page layout “The Art of Rebounding”
Jeffrey Dreyer and Zion Momodu Honorable mention best newscast “Lost Episode”
Ricardo Torres Second place yearbook layout “Oh What a Night”
Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation Column Writing
Zoe Harris Honorable mention
Ball State J-Day
Danielle Shumar Honorable mention in review writing “Pride & Prejudice”
Zoe Harris Excellent in review writing “AMC’s Interview with the Vampire”
Excellent in staff editorial “Study halls can be helpful”
Honorable mention in staff editorial “Technology can be a big plus”
Honorable mention in creative writing “Ode to Indiana”
Raelynn Hughes Honorable mention in news writing “Butts discusses school safety”
Excellent in creative writing “The sound of rain”
Mary Osiwoga and Jeffrey Dreyer Honorable mention in sports writing “Growing up…on the courts”
Brooklyn Sharp Excellent in sports writing “The thrill of the dunk”
Superior in sports writing “The art of rebounding”
Honorable mention in sports design “The thrill of the dunk”
Excellent in sports design “The art of rebounding”
Emilia Miller Excellent in illustration “Christmas dreams”
Superior in illustration “Conspiracies”
John Stark Honorable mention in creative writing “Horror story”
Jayla Jackson Honorable mention in sports photography “Slam dunk”
Ricardo Torres Superior in sports page design “Oh what a night”
Excellent in opening yearbook spread “Words Matter”
Chelsea Hughes Honorable mention in creative writing “My not so normal journey”
Youth Journalism International
Danielle Shumar, Madchen Fox, Zoe Harris, Jeffrey Dreyer, Raelynn Hughes, Nadia Rivera, Yanelis Rivera First place in team reporting for our Then and Now issue that focused on technology and education
Lexi Bordenkecher, Raelynn Hughes, Yanelis Rivera, Mary Adams, Zoe Harris, Brooklynn Sharp, Nadia Rivera Second place in team reporting for our Conspiracy, Scandal issue
Brooklynn Sharp First place in sports feature for “The Art of the Rebound”
Mary Osiwoga and Jeffrey Dreyer Second place in sports feature for “Growing up…on the courts”
Jordyn Jones First place in column writing for “The Black Woman is the Angriest Person in America”
Emilia Miller Second place in illustration “Conspiracies”
National Federation of Press Women
Danielle Shumar Second place nationally in review writing for “Johnson has another hit on her hands”