Online Student Resources

Student Resources Available Online
Looking for a book that’s always checked out? Visit the Indianapolis Marion County Public Library!
Need a magazine article quickly? The Indiana Virtual Library offers electronic magazines, encyclopedias, and other resources.

Looking for a great source for your research paper? Here’s a useful website with over $5 million worth of databases of all types. It contains a number of online magazine and newspaper indexes, encyclopedias, directories, dictionaries, and books. (Funded by The Indianapolis Foundation.)

World Book Online
World Book’s on-line encyclopedia includes video clips, audio clips, citations, and even a Spanish language encyclopedia.

Citation Machine
Want an out of “cite” source to make your works cited page easier? The citation machine is an automatic choice!

Drivers Education from American Libraries
It is a database of free online practice tests for Car, Motorcycle, and CDL.

Pass your DMV test the first time!
Free Driver Education from DMV for Indiana Practice Tests   These DMV practice tests are free.

Destiny (Computer Catalogue)

Drivers Education from American Libraries
It is a database of free online practice tests for Car, Motorcycle, and CDL.